In the clip the arch. Andrea Giunti introduces the theme from residences and commercial services district created by the architect at the Three Fountains. Vincenzo Bacicalupi. Studio guests Prof. Angelo Capasso, the teacher. Arch. Simona Salvo e l’arch. Andrea Giunti. In the virtual studio architect. Silvio Luigi Riccobelli. At the end of the episode the heading 'Vintage’ – by the architettiValentina Piscitelli and Carlo Tomassi for the Media Library of Architecture Valle Giulia – presenting an extract of a lecture by the professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of Madrid José Ignacio Linazasoro the 13 October 2010 Aula Magna of the Faculty of Architecture of Valle Giulia in Rome on the theme 'The incomplete order. Intervention in the ruins of the Escuelas Pias des Lavapies. Madrid 1996-2004’.